It takes two to fight, but only one to blame. When that blame is on more than one person's lips, it becomes gossip and from that gossip is misunderstanding and not well thought out words. [/ size] I hope you all take this to heart, and think about it and the event that lead up to it before responding. Because though I try not to, I do sometimes take things to heart, and though I may regret saying this; any of this because I've had trouble even allowing myself to post with all this bias crap which is why I tried and failed to talk about my day. I had to delete it because I found it obvious that there were those here that wouldn't treat what I said nicely. I only deleted it from here though because I still have it. The whole point of writing something like that down is to help get it off your chest.
I only did this because when I write something I want to feel safe in the fact that the people reading it can be trusted. I thought that was how it was, but I guess I was mistaken. I'm afraid of what people here will think of what I write and of the words that they respond with. If it's like this, I really do want my invitation rescinded. Last night I asked Jaymison to do so, but then I thought it was just a rough patch and that I had apologized and we both seemed to be on equal terms. But now I think I do want it rescinded. I want it rescinded even more than I did before. I think that only Jaymison can even comprehend me because he knows/knew me in real life and at least partially understands what's happened to me. You guys don't, and I don't expect you to, but that doesn't mean I want to be treated obtusely either... Anyway, this got long and I wonder how you'll react- oh, she's stuck up, oh, just whining, oh, just wants attention, oh,- whatever. But remember this: You don't know me, so don't treat me like you do- I'm trying to explain myself, and am very crappy at it, but I'm just hoping that with this at least I'll have been able to speak up to all those people's thoughts that I hear day in and out with this. Even if it's only to you guys.
bluevibes · Tue May 06, 2008 @ 06:54am · 1 Comments |