I keep tending to find that a lot of ppl have been checking this section of mine out... Well, at least I now know I'm not a totally boring person... Might JUST HAVE a little something that people find entertaining. Hehehe... I'm a very dry humor sorta person xd Hey, it's not my fault if people just ACCIDENTALLY take fault to it. I'm a capricorn, it can't be helped. Capricorns are only literally built on dry humor. lol ---- At least in a conversation---- Yeah, right now my nephew's over and he's watching mmmm..... Yu-gi-oh GX.... And I'm sittin there, thinking, " The ppl who made this are very good with their subliminal messages..." Yeah, random, cuz it always leaves off just right. And then hooks the person, and you find all this more grown up music for kids cartoons making you wonder exactly what this music IS to them. I mean, when I was younger, I could care less about music, it just didn't interest me. Then not too long ago (couple yrs) I started getting into it. Maybe it wasn't that i wasn't interested, but that I wasn't listening to the RIGHT music. Maybe. Yeah. I like to daydream, and listen to oldie music ---- La boheme--- Ne je mille' je vais met ta chodun no crosnos a' ton agievra mon autre vaissalle ton sweet protrovoran.... Mmmm... Addicting... I also like memorizing songs ect in different languages.. A hobby of mine and being able to confuse my parents and others by using a mixture of different languages: Tu es un schvidzick mon ami(e), dessho? sodeska.... Hehehe! That was French Russian and Japanese--- Fun. ninja
bluevibes · Sat Feb 10, 2007 @ 12:53am · 0 Comments |