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I'm a pretty pretty poptart princess.. o.O Whatever I decide to post.. meh..

Donatien Delacroix
Community Member
Zero's Story, Part 2
Early in the morning, Donatien fed the horse, cleaned the stall, and was lowering a bucket down a long well to draw water for the house. A curious sight caught his eye. There, along the stone shaft of the well, was a thin layer of frost. It was a warm summer day-- how could there be frost? Still pondering this question, he raised the water bucket to find it had a layer of ice over it as well. By the time he hauled the bucket up into the house, the water was frozen into a solid block. The wiseman sat quietly, pondering these events, as the air around Donatien steadily grew colder. Finally, the old man spoke.

"Did I ever tell you where your mother came from? Well.. this very forest. You have heard the tales of the fire maidens, wind maidens, and the like who have come to seek refuge among mortals, yes? Well.. your mother is one of them.. she is among the water tribe. A maiden of frost. Don't look at me like that, I'm not making it up. You know it's true, I can see it in your eyes. You are her son, you have her power. I have brought you here to teach you to use that power. Why haven't I frozen, like that chair you're sitting on? I have my ways, young man.. old men like myself don't live this long without picking up a magick book or two. Now, let's go outside and see just what you can do.."

And thus began Donatien's training. At first, he had much difficulty controlling his abilities. Water constantly became a solid. Many a meal was interrupted as a blow to cool a hot stew took the task a bit too far. Sleep brought havoc to the small house, and frozen walls became a common sight. However, gradually, Donatien began to control his powers. Water became drinkable, food remained warm, and the walls ceased to gleam with a frozen sparkle. The boy was eager to learn, and so the old man also began teaching him about the herbs and plants of the forest, which could harm, which could heal, how to dry this one, mix it with that.. And so, the boy became quite adept at natural healing.

After three years of education, the old man told Donatien he could take the horse back to his village. Eagerly, the boy left, the two hour's journey speeding by as he hurried back home. His family welcomed him with open arms, as did many of the townspeople. However, those visiting from other villages were not so overjoyed. New religions had begun to spread over the land. Nature spirits and the like were viewed as a threat. Donatien's kind were no longer tolerated. The visitors talked amongst themselves as Donatien went inside with his mother, coming face to face with the newest addition to the family-- a two-year-old little girl named Cassandra, Donatien's little sister. After a week's stay, the boy again left for the house in the woods, this time having a third, smaller person on his mind.

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