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I'm a pretty pretty poptart princess.. o.O Whatever I decide to post.. meh..

Donatien Delacroix
Community Member
Zero's Story...
Once upon a time, a beautiful maiden was seen bathing by herself in a forest lake. Her watcher, a young hunter from a nearby village, was smitten by her beauty. His heart stood still, and he knew he must possess this woman if he was to live a peaceful life. He approached her, and professed his undying love, asking her to marry him. She accepted his proposal, and he took her back to the village where the two were immediately wed, despite her unknown origins. Soon thereafter, she bore him a beautiful baby boy, a son they called Donatien.

From the very moment he was born, it was obvious Donatien was not a normal child. His hair was an odd shade of blue, something the villagers had never before seen. He never seemed to fall ill, even when every other child in the village was afflicted with a cold. The village elders kept their silence about the boy, though they began to suspect his mother of being one of the maidens of the elements that frequented the nearby forest.. an immortal being who had chosen to live her life among them as a mere mortal.

As Donatien grew older, the elders began to talk amongst themselves. What was to happen when the boy learned of his origins? Would he have powers like the elementals in the forest? And, perhaps most concerning, how would he control them? The wisest of the elders elected to visit the boy and determine the answers as best as he could. The wise man visited with Donatien, and observed him for most of the day. After watching the boy's close connection to the world around him, and his interaction with other villagers, the elder spoke to the council. His advice was that the boy be removed from the village until his powers could be determined, as he was indeed deemed gifted.

That night, the wise man returned to speak with Donatien's parents. Supposed to have been asleep, Donatien listened at his door, eavesdropping on what little bits of conversation he could hear.

"..must be taken away... could cause trouble..."

"..would NEVER! My son is gentle and..."

"..with power.... accidents...."

"..can't go... trouble... secret.."

"I will teach him."

As Donatien fell asleep that night, his dreams were fitful.

The next morning, his mother had packed his belongings. With a tearful hug, she sent him outside with his father. Donatien's father lifted him up onto a horse, sitting him right in front of the wise man. Taking the reins in his hand, the elder rode out of the village with the boy. Deep in the forest, they came upon the secluded cottage that was to be Donatien's new home for a very long time. Two days later, Donatien found out just why he had been taken away..

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