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I'm a pretty pretty poptart princess.. o.O Whatever I decide to post.. meh..

Donatien Delacroix
Community Member
Forgive me..
The ever-present hunger calls like a long-lost lover, beckoning with the promise of dark desire. Therefore, I am at odds with the very premise of the woman who bore me into this world: nature. The natural order was stretched, to be sure, when a half-human such as myself graced the gentle contours of this plane. It is a wonder I was able to traverse between the two worlds as I do. Did. I still hear the call of frozen bliss, do not doubt, but seems far away.. distorted somehow. I have lost the means to find the winter lands. This has left me feeling, ironically.. cold. Empty.

Empty as the vast darkness that bades me fill it with the crimson warmth of life. How long can I fight this hunger? Each passing night leaves me with more questions, more doubts. I didn't think it possible to become what I have, nor one so strong, given my sire's disposition. No, I do not blame Len, for he did what he thought right-- he tried to preserve me for this life. Or unlife, rather. Twice immortal.. and twice removed from the elements.

I manage well enough, but sometimes the call of the beast threatens to overcome me. For now, I have its leash in my hand. I can be gentle. I will not kill.

But sometimes.. well, I wonder how it would feel to take what I need and destroy the vessel. These thoughts are not my own.

Forgive me, for I know not what I do..

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