Fear and loathing on the anime trail? |
So, there's this convention coming up. Anime Expo. AX for short. I'm going, lord help me, I'm going. I've never been to a convention, nor have I ever had the desire to. yet I've fially hit a placwe where things seem to be bordering on stable. I've got the money. So, now I get to venture off to parts lesser-known and jab the other moderators with a pointy stick, in person.With any luck, I will also be able to pounce upon an admin or two. I've been waiting to get a piggyback ride from Locke, and like fate undeniable, here's my chance.
It's in Cali, Anaheim. to be specific. I dunno if the general population is bothering to go or not, but I'm sure I'll see a few fellow Gaians there. Which brings me to a point. If you see me, and I will most likley be wearing a nametag, and start giving me crap about a thread I've moved, or a post I've deleted, rest assured I will be very humane about it. I will reach way back, ball up my fist, and assert my right to break your goddamn face. Don't do this. I don't handle personal confrontation well, but I do handle physical confrontations quite well. Especially when alcohol is involved. god willing, some will be.
So the mods are going to be there, en masse, to kick some convention a**. It is going to rule in ways that your feeble, gaia addled mind cannot begin to perceive. I will be surrounded by female mods, succulent girlflesh with a sense of power and duty. Interesting proposition. You only wish you were this lucky.. or, this loaded with money, since my cost is going to be in the neighborhood of 800$. Well, we can deal with that as it arises.
Back to cali.. To meet people I've never emt before, in a place i've never been. I haven't been back to cali for 5 years or more by now. I must avoid my family at all costs. I just cannot handle their level of continual stress. What they bring to the table is entirely unwanted. So, with any luck, I will evoke mad ninja skills and stealthily fly in, cause havok and chaos for 5 days, then slip off into the vast reaches of the US. Just another geek, in the geek kingdom. (okay, last hunter reference... for today.)
As usual, I'll have to whip out my journalistic tendancies again for this one. I did it for atlanta, and I'll do it for Cali. What better place to hone my skills than amongst a group of sheer madness? Teeming masses dressed as various animated freaks and mutants. A sheer mass of bodies, all seeking a new pop culture explosion, to feed their poky filled binges. To place the blade agaist the grain and rub... This will be very interesting.
I will report from the front lines when this event begins, but that's still a ways off. Don't hold you breath. It's the end of june. I just can't wait.
Twistex · Tue Mar 01, 2005 @ 03:55pm · 5 Comments |