today was like real cool cauz i got to meet up with my friends that i havent seen for like 4-5 years. i dont know what to say. theyve changed sooo much that its just weird talking to them. one of them kinda turned goth and the other friend pretty much hasnt changed. too be honest i dont really remember alot since i started at the school i go to now. i am still kiind of quiet around them cauz they talk about old classmates who i barely remember so i just sit and listen. we walked around the city and just talked. we had sushi in some place where they had those sushi trains but we kinda ate little cauz it was expensive so we went to sushi sushi. i wish i talked more except that i dont really like to talk about myself. next time i see them i hope that we could do something fun together.
sassy_starry · Tue Jan 30, 2007 @ 04:53am · 0 Comments |