im gettingkinda annoyed now cauz my schools books havent arrived yet and it makes me wonder if i filled in something wrong. and supposedly we're going shopping for other school stuff except i dontkno what stuff i need seeing as i dont have the list. should hav photocopied the stupid thing. god who would hav thought it would have taken this long?
school stuff aint gonna arrive until the 30th, when we go and pick it up. Unless you chose home delivery?
sassy_starry Community Member
Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 01:30am
yeah i chose home delivery cauz my parents cant take me there. well i did send it after my sister probably by a week so hopefully my books will arrive next week. confused
Evarinya Community Member
Thu Jan 25, 2007 @ 06:48am
Haha..imagine your books still haven't arrived when school starts.. But you know, you can check the school booklist on the internet?