u kno, when i think back i can either remember really bad times or the really embarassing ones. i have had plenty embarassing things happen to me and i just hope no one will ever remember any of them. i hate getting embarassed cauz i feel really uncomfortable and feel like no one will live it down. its funny when its happening to someone so i cant help but laugh. i think usually it happens when im not really concentrating and my clumsiness. i remember when it had just finished raining and the floor was still wet, i might have ran, cant remember and then i slipped and then a teacher was like are u alright and all that. i mean slipping on a slippery surface is one of the traps i always fall for. its like slipping on a banana peel. glad i didnt slip on a banana peel.that would have been a classic. blaugh
sassy_starry · Mon Jan 15, 2007 @ 10:45pm · 0 Comments |