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Shattered Memories
My most recent story by me and darkest_night_101, Son of Scars, is being written in here. Check it out for updates!
Son of Scars(Preface)
This is a story that sprang from an rp that Trisha_Elric_3773 and I are having right now, so Aru is the co-author. Yay Aru! Now, past the credits....

Son of Scars
Characters by Arakawa Hiromu and me
Story by Trisha_Elric_3773 and soul_ignition4

In Central City, the war in Ishbal was never forgotten or fogiven. People still held grudges against their dark skinned brothers. Over many years, this hatred had built into a mounting rage; now taken out in a small boy by the name of Charles. Edward and Alphonse Elric, accompanied by their good friend Rika Namare, now are sucked into the middle of this years-long conflict with the murder of one Ishballan woman, Charles's mother. The only indication of his fatherline is a small, pale, X-shaped scar on the right side of his forehead.
So the story begins.

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