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Shattered Memories
My most recent story by me and darkest_night_101, Son of Scars, is being written in here. Check it out for updates!
Only for my hopes
'You live only twice, or so it seems; once for yourself, and once for your dreams.' -Unknown

These days at school, everything I say and do is wrong to somone. I've heard it said that you can't please everyone, but can't I please anyone? I've been called a God-poser, and that's wrong. I don't know why; I want to act like my Father. But that seems wrong to somone.

On the bright side, he likes me! Ryu said he did! whee Oh, I like him so much... I don't want to blow this chance. He and I are so much alike; we like all the same things, he's funny, he makes me laugh... he's everything I ever wanted in someone. But is he who God wants for me? I don't know... I feverishly hope so, because my heart tells me so. I know I can't believe my heart, but I want to follow myself so badly... Lord, please help me.

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