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journal This journel is about my life, random thoughts, and many different things.

xXShadow QueenXx
Community Member
Snow Disaster
Usualy I love the snow. It's one of my favorite things about winter. But now, today, I hate it! It's the worst thing in the world to me and my mom and brother. It snowed to much and my flight and many others flight were canciled. We were suppost to go out to California to visit family, to hang out on the beach, and do some really fun family traditions. And now we're not and it sucks! I HATE it. Ans it's all because of the stupid snow canciling everyones flights.
We would have rescheduled the flight buuuuut, we wouldn't be able to go out until christmas, which we did not want. Oh well though...I think. I'll go next year and in the summer. Then I get to go in the spring alone. ^^

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