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journal This journel is about my life, random thoughts, and many different things.

xXShadow QueenXx
Community Member
Drama Class
OK, so yesterday me and one of my friend Kylee started to crack up and whenever we stopped something else funny happened or we would look at each other trying to write on someone's back ((it was a thing we had to do, don't ask)) and start cracking up. So basically we were laughing for about half an hour and the drama teacher got pissed. At the end of class we were reading what others read about each other on our pieces of paper that were on our backs. One kid who is hilarious read his then said allowed while jumping up, "OK, so who thinks I have great hair?" and my friend started to crack up again which made me laugh. Then he just went on and on about his hair and when he sat down the kid behind him leaned forward and ran his hand through the kids hair since he said "Does anyone wanna feel my hair?" but he was joking. So he jumps back up and freaks out because he wasn't expecting that kid to do that and we cracked up again. That also made Emily start laughing and we had to stay after class to be scolded by the teacher because apparently we disrupted the class and blah blah blah.

When we left the class we were still cracking up and I went to French and she went somewhere else. The kid with the great hair or whatever (Dani) is also in my French class. When he stepped in class the first thing he says to the teacher is, "I made someone cry in drama today," and she why and he pointed at me and I was laughing so hard I was crying and I had been since fifteen minuets into my laughing fit. I finally stopped about ten minuets into class and my face stung reeeeeealllllly bad. xD I didn't get in trouble with my French teacher thankfully because she is supper awesome and is overly hyper. ^^

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