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Monopoly's deep thought collection
Yes, I have deep thoughts. And I shall make them appear here. yay!
On the Chomping of Heads and Things in Zelda Games
As we all well know, a staple of console Zelda games since Ocarina of Time has been Redeads.

Yes, lovable undead zombies. In Ocarina of Time, they were famous for jumping onto Link's back, chomping on his neck and humping him silly.

Then they made a comeback in Majora's Mask in the same form, only this time you could make them do Russian dances. It was quite fun.

In Wind Waker, the design of Redeads was drastically changed, and instead of humping and neck chomping, they grabbed poor little Link's shoulders and chomped on his head. Of course, these new Redeads were adorable in their own head-chomping way, so all was right in the world.

Then...Twilight Princess. The new, unbelievably awesome Zelda game. For the Wii. heart

*ahem* So anyway. In Twilight Princess, Redeads were revamped and instead became Redead Knights. Now, when I heard this piece of news from Paul, who actually owns a Wii and the game Twilight Princess, I was shocked. My first question was, "Do they still chomp on Link's head/neck and/or hump him silly?!?" (yes, with the interrobang.) His response was "I dun know, I was so busy trying to, I dunno, KILL THEM BEFORE THEY ATE ME that I didn't get close enough to see." So, the next day I went over to Paul's house and we did some Redead experimentation. And what we found--disappointingly enough--is that all these new "Redead Knights" do is give a paralyzing scream and swing gi-huge-ic axe/sword hybrids at you. We were highly disappointed. What was Nintendo thinking, we said?

And then Paul showed me the spike ball and chain item and I started planning an excursion to Japan to give Shigeru Miyamoto a hug.

But anyway!! Some time after this disappointment, Paul was still playing the game and he came across some random enemy. So he's like, "Hey watch this it's really cool!" and then changes Link into his wolf form and Link starts CHOMPING ON THE ENEMY'S HEAD. Redead style. I nearly squealed with joy.

I guess Nintendo hasn't left us out to dry, after all.


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Heru Kemen
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Dec 29, 2006 @ 04:19pm

commentCommented on: Sat Dec 30, 2006 @ 10:52pm




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Flame Maniac
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Jan 25, 2007 @ 04:12pm
Hey, we're not nerds, we're geeks. Get it right 3nodding

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