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Monopoly's deep thought collection
Yes, I have deep thoughts. And I shall make them appear here. yay!
It's not a Formal if all they play is hard rap...
Whoooooo, Winter Formal.

Me and Paul went to MSMS's a couple of weekends ago. ( I know, slow reaction time. Give me a break, I had exams.)

So yeah. Overall it was a good night. I mean, we went to Captain D's to eat. We were sitting near a bunch of little kids, so of course we said the word "f*cking" a few times and discussed Harry Potter slash in moderately loud voices so that they could be properly exposed to the harsh realities of the world that they will someday have to face.

For some reason, that family left the restaurant really quick.

Then we went to the dance. It was fun and stuff, because of all the people who were dressed up in the magic of the moment, and the hard rap in the background...Yeah.

Hard rap.

All night.

Except for the short interlude for the Cha Cha. I mean, who doesn't want to dance the Cha Cha at a Formal dance?

Of course, Paul and me didn't dance. We sat in the food area and ate some food and took lots of pictors with my roommates professional grade camera and discussed videogames and anime and other silly things. Like Harry Potter slash.

And so, it was a successful night. Especially the part where we played the DS. That was fun.

Hehee. Peace out.

User Comments: [2] [add]
Flame Maniac
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Feb 22, 2007 @ 07:23pm
Yesh, it was fun. Course, it made my parents seem to think that I was going out with you again... Oh well. They are teh silly 3nodding

commentCommented on: Fri Sep 21, 2007 @ 01:23am
Your thoughts... It's just... Wow. They enlighten me. :tear of inspiration:

Kyleia Raine
Community Member
User Comments: [2] [add]
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