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Monopoly's deep thought collection
Yes, I have deep thoughts. And I shall make them appear here. yay!
This is cool. I'm such a sentimental little geek.
A friend of mine sent me this... I really like it, so it gets to live here. =O

Everyday you smile and you frown,
Sometimes you may get down,
But in this town,
There is a group of people to call your own,
That’s because MSMS is our home
Though we use our phones to call on roam
And the bills go through the roof
We still remember the times we’ve shared
We still remember the laughs we’ve shared
Just to see that everyday things are changing.

When you look outside
And see the sky
And the trees
And people
And all else around

You remember what it is that drew you here
No not your grades,
Not your community service
Not anything you may be thinking of
It was that “magnetic personality”

It drew you in
And remember that everybody is watching
They too are being drawn in
So next year when we look back
We will see that it’s these seniors
And their “magnetic personalities”
That drew us in

You are probably denying it….
Saying never these things
No that it isn’t true
But just look back
And soon you’ll see
That there will no longer be
Our junior year but soon our senior

And all of the new people who did what we did
The got pulled in to MSMS….
They will be our new friends
And they too will run up their phone bills
And make the same mistakes
That we made
And the seniors made
And the grand seniors made

So remember we’ve learned from our mistakes and it only took us a month and a half….
Friendships will last forever.
And I hope you too mean it so…

Send this too all of your friends
And whether they be here or there….
Or everywhere….
Thanks for always being my friend

User Comments: [2] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Sep 23, 2006 @ 05:17pm
aww it would prolly mean more if I went to MSMS....or maybe it wasn't directed to us at all...who knows..who cares...it was sweet

commentCommented on: Fri Oct 13, 2006 @ 01:38am
Does it count for people who wanted to go to MSMS?

Flame Maniac
Community Member
User Comments: [2] [add]
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