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Monopoly's deep thought collection
Yes, I have deep thoughts. And I shall make them appear here. yay!
A Real Deep Thought
I really hate it when I get in a reflective mood, because it just ruins any plans I have for the day. Unfortunately, today was one of those days.

I remember that on the day I moved in to MSMS, I looked at the window when we were all finished and just happened to catch my parents driving away. The sun was just going down, and I remember standing there at the window until it got dark. I wondered, then, if I would get homesick or if I would fit in, or if I would even like it there. And, of course, I love it at MSMS and I haven't been homesick once and I'm really sort of sad that summer vacation is almost here.

Today, when I came back to school from a weekend at home, I happened to look out the window just in time to catch Mama driving away. The sun had just started to go down. And I just stood there for a minute and thought. I'm 17 years old. I've been a whole year at MSMS, and in a week and a half I'll officially be a senior in high school. It just seems strange to me that the time has gone by so quickly.

So anyway, just thought I'd type that out. Actually have a deep thought in this thing for once. x3

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