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Monopoly's deep thought collection
Yes, I have deep thoughts. And I shall make them appear here. yay!
Gosh DARN it, I am irritated.

I can't be in band this year.

Because of my stupid Italian II class, and the fact that the ONLY period it's offered is the band period.

Of course, I don't need band to graduate, and I do need Italian to graduate, so no real choice there.



So anyway, other than that I had a pretty good first day back at MSMS. Props to Flame and Heru for helping me move in. =DDD

I also had a good time messing with my roommate's little brothers. xDD

I got my class schedule, and I got just about every class I wanted except for band.

And, I don't have a first period on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. =D

So, long story short, today was a pretty good day.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go harass some juniors. >3

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