today was the 2nd health day. i did tai bo which was really boring.i felt like an idiot when the guy made us do these dance moves. i hate it when the school organises something that everyone has to be involved in. i am more of a person who stands on the side. today one of my friends who left my school came and visited. i wasnt even able to say hi properly. everyone just crowded around her and just wont let others get a chance to say hi. i feel kinda sad cauz ive known her kinda longer than some and those who i dont often see talking to her are able to say hi and everything. i guess i dont really belong at this school cauz now it feels like im just drifting apart from most of my friends. i just cant wait to see my friends from my primary school. maybe this will give me a chance to actually catch up with some of my friends..
sassy_starry · Thu Dec 07, 2006 @ 08:49am · 3 Comments |