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Shattered Memories
My most recent story by me and darkest_night_101, Son of Scars, is being written in here. Check it out for updates!
Thoughts in the Dark
Sakage's thoughts drifted to the sky, and she hummed an old tune she learned as a child. As she thought longer, the tune subsided, and silence overcame her as she sat in that field. Once she was quiet, the stars' song floated gently down for her ears alone. And their song caressed her troubled and calloused thoughts. Old wounds that she thought had healed were forgotten for the moment, and she felt like he was there with her again. She closed her eyes, thinking of Shinji. His brown hair over his ears; his smile as he looked down at her; and thier final moments. That boy.... Her spirit had all but died with him, buried with him. Now God was teaching her to dig it up again, that she still had hope, always.
She looked up at the moon, the conductor of the stars, with its deep bass voice. It smiled down at her, and continued conducting the nightly orchestra. She smiled back, and rolled back and enjoyed the night that was scattered with endless diamond voices, helping her to move on.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Dec 28, 2006 @ 12:20am
your descriptions are amazing! nice work! this is really good! 3nodding

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