yeah dont ask about the title thing...i am not quite awake..(chuckle) but it is true..i am going to the mall today..i am gonna hang out and play some DDR with a friend for a little...then maybe, just maybe i might go to a b-day party that is being held at olive garden...(sigh) i dont know how far my limited energy can take me, i have been sick for a couple of days and have had my energy pretty muched sapped for now..i can usually only go for a couple of hours..i guess it depends on how much time i spend at the mall...well i guess ill quit complaining (laughing to herself) and tell what is going one ( or not) well hmmm...( thinking) i really dont think there is anything else to tell you...well my garandma is coming up sunday and ....the kids dont have school on monday (labor day) and .....umm.... i had some friends over yesterday..we pretty much just played cards and video games and watched some anime...other than that i think that is it for i am gonna get out of here and get awake for todays activities (yay) so i guess ill catch ya later!! bye! heart
heart yeah give him a kiss..i know you want to!!^^
GACKT GODDESS REDEEMED · Fri Sep 01, 2006 @ 02:27pm · 1 Comments |