well today didnt start out terrible...in fact i went job hunting with a friend and we had a good time..went out to eat, annoyed some golfers ( i know ..immature but someones gotta do it^^) and got out of the car while it was still moving and danced around it like a maniac...over all that part was pretty darn fun...not to mention that another friend let me borrow his kingdom hearts 2 game and i am now playing that....but my mom came home earlier (as you can tell i am making an entry) than expected and she came home in a freakin bad mood...yelling and screaming...i am getting no pay for the slavework i do around here( thank goodness i am getting a job) and she like told me i never did anything around there and was lazy..(just cause there was a little mud on the mat from this morning) Ridiculous is all i have to say about it...but i found out the real reason she was all ...mean...she got suspended by her job because the manager was a jerk today...there is a possiblility that she may get fired and she has worked her butt off for this job ( she is an EMT and is schooling to be a medic) so i guess i understand a little (she still shouldnt have taken it out on us) but yeah....it was pretty bad...anyway, that is it for today..so..i am getting out of here...bye!!^^
heart almost there.....^^
GACKT GODDESS REDEEMED · Tue Aug 29, 2006 @ 07:08am · 0 Comments |