oh guess what peeps, i had my account stolen yesterday...yeah i fell into a stupid trap and deserved to have it stolen..but me and a friend ( yeah you know who you are^^) hacked it back...lol anyway, however did it better think twice cause my friends are loyal to me and know when its me or not..(evil laugh) Anyway, yeah that was th excitement of yesterday...other than that nothing really went on...i watched several episoded of yu yu hakusho and then there was a really awesome lightning storm..i had to turn off the computer cause it kept messing with my net..*sigh* but yeah that is all really...so i guess ill get out of here..oh and about gackt, now i hear another rumor that he is touring all of asia and that it will keep him busy for another couple of years...so the thing of him quiting cant possibly be true...he has too much to do, and gackt is not one to leave something done undone...well that is all the input...so im gonna go now!! see ya! bye! heart
GACKT GODDESS REDEEMED · Sun Aug 27, 2006 @ 11:25pm · 0 Comments |