sorry for not posting an entry yesterday, my mom took the laptop to work for 2 days and i didnt have the opportunity to get on..but not much happened yesterday anyway..i just hung out here at my aunt and grandparents visited but that is the only thing of slight interest that happened yesterday..oh that and we killed two mice at our house... (squeal) yeah 2 dirty mice!! ewww ewww!!! but now that our mice problem is gone i feel better now..(steps off chair) nothing really happened today either..a friend is coing over tomorrow and i talked to a few of my friends..but that is yeah nobody missed much...(laugh) i start a new job here soon..a waitressing job.(maybe ...the lady has yet to call me) i need the money bad though...ive gotta pay for insurance for my car..(sigh) oh and i ended up getting ahold of an ex step brother...ive missed him soo much, actually my friend robert found him on myspace and gave me his number. its good to talk to him...anyway, i guess ill get out of here and stop boring you guys and gals..(laugh) see ya another time!! heart  ill give ya a really big pic to make up for me not being here yesterday..^^ heart
GACKT GODDESS REDEEMED · Tue Aug 15, 2006 @ 05:49am · 0 Comments |