yea just as i said, he has released his albums special edition^^ i am definitly gonna check into these!!^^ other than that i have just sat around and listened to Final fantasy music...^^ well since i hav nothing to say i will close now and come back when i have more to say..^^ be back to talk your ear off again..^^ i am back and i think that i have already mentioned this but i am going to a Dir en Gray concert this month and i am sooo excited for it!! and the tickets are only 10 bucks!! and its in kansas city too!! ^^ the 24 of this month i believe ... but yeah i went to another gaian prom and didnt do much other than meet another jrock fan..and we talked for a bit...oh and i am going to a lock in with a friend tonight ..that friend told me that another of my friends has just got back to japan and that she brought gackt flyers for us both and is gonn a burn me a copy of the diabolos concert and cd..(which is cool, but i am gonna buy the real one anyway..i am just that way..he he ) yeah so when i come back i will have gackt flyers to hang up in my room!!! yea!!! but yeah that is all that is happening right now..i need to go and get ready for the lock in!! see ya all later!! bye!!
GACKT GODDESS REDEEMED · Fri Aug 11, 2006 @ 11:30pm · 0 Comments |