yeah another day of gaia and my boring life...not much has really gone on...changed my profile..let me know if you like or liked the other better. well on to my crazy fandom..i had a dream about him last was interesting.. (and believe it or not i do not dream about him that often..this is only the 2nd time in all of my fandom) i was going to one of his concerts with my friends andapparently we were very very late and had to sit in the very back of the concert hall, so far we couldnt even see the stage and him...we didnt hear any singing so we were pretty depressed (me most of all) and then every one satred to do the wave, well it was all good until it hit the people a few wrongs in front of us...they messed it all up, well then gackt came out of nowhere and said that we would have to start the wave all over again cause they messed it up, and that he was gonna start it right there..( he was standing in the crowd) after that and we got it right he satrted singing a song.. redeption it think, and then i woke up form excitment and relized that i had fallen asleep to my gackt album playing in my radio and that it was playing that song...i thought it was hilarious...(robert that was the dream i was telling you about) anyway, not much ahs happened, stupid people broke the pipes again we didnt have water again, ( im starting to think that they dont know what they are doing) but yeah that is pretty much it..just kinda sat around and watched a movie or two..well i guess thats it for at you later!! bye!!! oh more news...gackt is joining bands with a guy named Yosh...i dont know if that is a postive thing yet..or what will happen to Gacktjob, or to his plans for his tour..there is no telling with Gackt...i hope it all works out in the end..ok..bye for real this time..
-gackt goddess-

heart heart
GACKT GODDESS REDEEMED · Wed Aug 09, 2006 @ 01:25am · 0 Comments |