well well i am actually typing another entry...amazing...anyway, not much went on today in my life ... i still cant get the video in my profile to work..(sigh) oh well..and the water at our house was turned off for a couple of hours due to the workmen breaking the pipe while repair....(stupid work people) but despite all my "fun" i did happen to make it to our county fair...it was njoyable (despite the heat) ..i met up with a couple of friends and we hung out and rode the gut wretching rides...(shouldnt have eaten before hand..lol) and i even won a dragon animal thing...(happy)yeah but that is about it...i wonder what people with lives do with there weekends? (wondering to herself) well im gonna get out of here...everybody be good and hopefully something really exciting happens that i can tell you about...(wink) bye!! heart
-gackt goddess-
xd heart heart heart heart
GACKT GODDESS REDEEMED · Mon Aug 07, 2006 @ 06:13am · 0 Comments |