It really pisses me off... why act like nothing is wrong like they know there is something up but.. act as if they don't... however they might not know... but that might be and should be unlikly. Just why.. rr... prying is sometimes the best thing with mr. I'm not always going to come out bluntly saying what's wrong. For bloody sakes there was of course something wrong... i mean it shouldn't be something to get worked up about cause they didn't just ask.. well did but it's not like they would care anyways... none of them do... So why should I... oh I don't know, think of the reasons why I might bloody frikin care.. garglefef. I feel hurt, upset and very angery. it started when i just went I-yi-yi note my spelling isn't the best... but it was for a reason.. my response was bit of a questioned look, sort of. Then I say, It's ... nothing It won't matter.... well that person i would hope knows since they know when someithng isn't nothing and that it does matter... but maybe htey knew why I said that so didn't touch it cause hey it doesn't matter... least to them... I say they so it's not a direct she or he. If they know who it is or who they are and having problems with understanding or want to know... they can bloody well ask me. However I can see it going into a fight so ... bah hum bug. Another reason added.. they I hope should know what I mean by that.... -> however of not slightly different but pretty similar.
-> OKay so i'm not so mad any more and haven't for a while since I last wrote this. So yeah.. still kind of bugs me but not really.
Rikku42 · Thu Jul 27, 2006 @ 09:29am · 0 Comments |