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sassy_starry's Journal
letting out my anger!!!!!!!
AHHHHHH!!!!!!!! wahmbulance wahmbulance doubt ppl think much of me. why cant ppl let me be? i hate my grandma!! i hate it when she gets my aunt involved!!! whenever i am depressed/unhappy she always tells my aunt and then she tells me to answer the phone and then im forced to listen to her for like ages! i dont want anyone to care about me, i just want to be left alone! why cant they let me sort it out? if u ask me, ive kept my temper for quite a while and i think im doing a great job. the only times i feel like as if im gonna burst is when involves my grandma being selfish, or someone critising me. scream i cant wait to die....

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  • User Comments: [2]
    Community Member

    Tue Jul 04, 2006 @ 10:55am

    Sassy dear, we all go through this - or at least, I have too. You have to learn to live with it..compare the standards to which your grandma was brought up, to which your parents, and your aunt were brought up in, and then compare it to yourself. I know, it's totally inadequate, and by no means an excuse. But see how priveliged you are compared to them, se ethe oportunities in your life... And then realise, you grandma didn't have these. SHe was brought up completely differently, and the traditional chinese way is to always push you forwards, never comfort you..make sure you strive to the best.. And this usually ends up in emotions too. We, as people need to be brought up in a completely different way to people of another generation, and sometimes you have to live with the fact that people older than you just don't realise that.

    You have to find that somewhere else, a comfort that contrasts with your grandma, and lets you deal with it. It's horrible..frustrating, and annoying..but I suppose be grateful for the fact that it is only simple things like this, which are the horrible times. Talk it over with your grandma maybe, who knows.

    And I have to go now..

    Community Member

    Thu Jul 06, 2006 @ 11:47am

    first of all, i will never talk about my feelings with my family. they havent really taken the time to bother knowing anything about me, and always see me as grumpy. i know their times are much different to ours but thats what they dont understand. there is no point telling us off or whatever cause that would be considered as child abuse. i wouldnt ever think of doing such a thing though. yes i know i am considered lucky but i just feel that i wont be able to face all this pain. i hope time goes by fast cause it seems to go sooo sloww.. confused

    User Comments: [2]
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