Well... I already have a description about my rp charicter... but what about my normal gaia charicter?!? gonk I decided to put her normal description here.
Name: Kris Age: 19 Job: Some technical person (greese monkey) Class: half elf Blood type: B Hight: 5'6" Weight: 120lbs Build: Slim eye colour: blue with gold fleks. Hair colour: crimson Most prized possesion: Her fathers old fighter jet helmet Stats: Single and looking. Good facts: Loves doing favors for people. Bad facts: Hates anyone that makes fun of her for being a half elf. She holds grudges and rarely lets them go. pet peve: People tugging on her ears, people pokeing her when shes working. Favorite food: toasted cheese with pickles. or apples... yes... apples are good. favorite colour: Green... its so natural...
Kris Celtuc · Fri Jun 16, 2006 @ 06:34pm · 0 Comments |