Well. I had an interesting week. Got my clay dragon out of the kiln. Was threatened during Art. Damn that Marsadies to hell. She also thretend to beat me up till I'm DEAD. Damn my horrorble life. Damn it all. (once my friends see this entry, she might freak.) FAQ on me. Question: Are you a Goth? Ansewr: Hell no.
Q: Are you a cat? A: NO.
Q: How many roumors are there about you at school? A: I say there are at least 10.
Q: Are any of them true? A: No.
Q: Do you have a boyfriend? A: Kinda.
More FAQ coming later. <img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v98/EyeOfTheStorm/girdancing.gif">
Kris Celtuc · Fri Dec 10, 2004 @ 12:56am · 1 Comments |