shel, lar, anyone, if you ever read this, well... you will know why i act the way i act...
abandond, adopted ive been pushed around so mush in my life... From bloody noses to broken glasses... from bruses, cuts and scrapes, to large open bleeding wounds that take too long to heal. to much stress makes me weak and i sometimes faint. Ive be knocked out and been mistreated so much. after seeing so much blood in the past, I now lust for my own blood. I take watever i can find thats sharp and i dig it deep into my skin. i let it bleed and keep it untreadted... i cry secretly... what might look like a happy smile, its just a mask over my crying soul. I want someone to hold me, to protect me from others, an even more important, protect me from myself. I destroy my self bit by bit... please save me...
Kris Celtuc · Wed Jan 11, 2006 @ 07:29am · 1 Comments |