Behold my co-owned Soquili in a basket!!
The rp post from the Soq thread
[The basket trembles in anticipation,and upon hearing the voices and outside sounds.A pawing and snorting can be heard from within.The top pops open slighty and dark eyes peek forth into the blinding light of day.
The young girl pushes the lid back on the basket,hoisting onto her shoulder to carry. "Hmm,' She thinks,"Imagine finding a Soquili basket,full of a baby Soquili with my name on it.Must find the lostlinx and ask her about this." Climbs on over the embankment out of the thicket.
Upon seeing several others with baskets she laughs to herself,wondering if she has the same silly look on her face,she disappears into the wood.]
part 2
[The pawing in the basket had ceased and only the sounds of the babeh sleeping could be heard.Though how it selpt with all the noise made Two wonder. But the basket was not the main focus at the moment,since it was safe and resting.No Now all the Soquili entering the area ,they were the main focus. So many and some were down right ill-tempered.She glanced at the basket and hoped what would come of it would not be evil or horned ,just a good companion.]
( Two, had fallen asleep,under a very large hardwood tree.All decked it was in it's slpendur,with it's early spring leaf growth.The grasses and small red and spotted white mushrooms were fresh and put their scents into the air.This was not what had awakened her,oh no it was the clamour from the bright and shiney basket. Rocking with the sounds of pawing and snorting emitting from within.Though since the other day the lid had not been popped.Perhaps the occupant understood it was not time to see out side the basket yet,even though it was obvious from the nose within a vacancy would be most certain in it's future.
Two pulled the basket out from the shade and into the sun.She would only leave it there for a few minutes,just enough to warm the little stranger in the basket.And when it quited down in there she pulled it back into the shade.She made a face thinking it would not be long until the basket would open.Then it would be best to be in a place where it could run,and grow.Time to return to the mountian.She picked up the basket placing it on her shoulder and began to walk towards the north.There she hoped to find the path home.
She had walked a half hour or so,when she heard voices.]
april 5 o6 106amcentral
Posted to the Soquili thread,too.
[ Hello all, I have been so asleep. Now I am awake and very hungry.
Oh and I still have this flu!! I just hate to be sick. Even my fingers hurt. Drifts off towards the kitchen,searching for something good.
I would probably be asleep but this basket,I had it beside my bed and it just makes the biggest racket you ever heard.So I took it outside for a little night air. Now I think what ever is in there has gone back to sleep.
*wrings hands in anticipation* I just cannot wait to see the babeh!! ]