[ The basket was rumbling with excitement.Oh yes the foal within had found it's legs and was using them.She had no doubt of it coming out and soon.Clinging to the last three hundred foot of mountain trial,before it leveled off onto the small hidden cove,she wearily and wairly held the basket up ahead of her to make the top.Wondering if she had tarried too long below.And hoping desprately to reach the saftey of the shelf and onto the mountain's recess,down through the gorge long made by the ancient glaciers.And then she could rest,once in the cave.
A loud whinney came from the basket causing her to look up,and momentaily loose that precious balance. ]
part 2
[ The basket lid flew off,and out clambered a bright red foal! 2 did not know what to think,for a moment,then as the foal turned and went up the path,she knew enough to follow.Smiling as they made their way up the last bit of the trail.This was one smart and strong babeh! At the top on the shelf,she moved slowly towards the red foal.Speaking softly in a sing song voice.But there was no need the babeh came to her and ,SMILED!!!
Hugging it's neck she motioned towards the cave,fearing the early spring would give it a chill,and she did not want the youngin to catch cold.
Inside the cave were several piles of new straw,over in one corner the babeh settled down into the warm cushion and began to doze.
After getting the fire to going and the room had warmed,she pulled the hide covering closed and found a spot beside the foal.She was just about asleep when she felt the pressure,looking down at her lap she saw the foal had placed it's head there.Smiling both drifted off to sleep.One feeling accepted,the other feeling safe.]