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Elven's word world
FizzyOne the cheerwine soda pony
Fizzy was floating in a soda bubble. He had floated almost forever,until the wind had blown him onto the side of a lovley spring green mountain.
Not knowing where he was or how to get out of the bubble,he felt himself hopelessly trapped.Going around and around to find a corner to lay down in,made him dizzy,so he finally sat down in the middle of the bubble.Slowly drifting off to sleep.But it was not an easy sleep,restlessly he dreamt of some girls and other ponies.These were not the ponies he had met before,they were brand new to him and the girls were very nice to him.Several times he woke up and then he suddenly saw a hole had started in the bubble.He wondered what this meant.Wondered who had started the hole.

arrived april 5th as I slept through a bad flu thing

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Ish FizzyOne the Cheerwine!!

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