Age:: 17
Race:: Makai
Gender: Female
Half human/half Nymph

Bio:: Her relatives called her weird, her eye color and her wings and her nymph ears. She was kicked out of her house and kicked and were bullied by villagers. She can call her fellow and last remaining Nymphs for help and to aid her if it is nesscary.
Name:: Saribano aka Syra
Age:: 20
Gender:: Female
Race:: Youma / Dragon Demon

Bio:: Grew up in the valleys. Never learned human feelings. She was sighted many times. But not many lived to tell the story.
Name:: Arwa
Age:: 17
Gender:: Female
Race:: Human

Bio:: Grown up with 5 other sibblings. She learned to stand up for herself and to make her own decisions. Not letting her parents decide for her. Her sibblings who are all older than her teases her and says she's a witch. But she doesn't answer, barely says a word and keeps her head down