Name: Syra Ishtar
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Millenium Item: Millenium Ankh necklace (let's her communicate and bring back the dead. Let's her see into the past and future)
History: Born in Cairo, raised by Ishizu and her father. Syra was only 2 when her father died. Ishizu never spoke of him to her. So, Syra does not know much of her own father. A fine duelist, Trusts in the heart of the cards, strong bond with them. With that determination. She can do nothing but win every duel. Headstrong, though thinks before she acts. Kind and warm hearted
Deck type: Spellcasters/dragons/warriors/fairies/winged beasts
Best card: Winged Dragon of Ra
Fav. Card: Guardian Eatos
Username: High Priestess Isis
Name: Saribano
Age: 17
Wolf Appearance:

Human Appearance: (optional)

Bio: Abandoned by her real parents, survived on her own in the moutains. Looked down by other wolves, because of her strange appearance. Fought to defend herself. Very protective and stubborn. She doesn't trust easily. Thinks everyone is her enemy.
Other: Has the ability to communicate through telepathy.
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