I also play Isis and she is pairing with Shadi
Username: High Priestess Isis
Name: Khati (sister of Raziel)
Age: 17
Race: human

Lost Millinium Item: Millenium Keyblade (comes to her hand when called)
pic of it:

Duelist: (Yes? No?) Yes
Deck Type: Mixed
Best Card: Horus the black flame dragon Lv. 8
Favorite Card: Blue eyes white dragon
Bio: Reincarnation of Kisara. Raised in Domino city by her aunt. Was born in egypt. Her parents perished soon after she was borned. Her aunt never spoke of them to her. Shy, quiet, cold, cautious.
Crush: Malik
Plays: Keyboard (one of the leaders of the band)
4-Creative writing
5-free period
8-jantior duty
Name: Raziel (older brother of Khati by the way ^^))
Age: 20
Race: Human

Lost Millinium Item: Millenium dragon fang (always hanging from a worn out rope on his belt.)
Duelist: (Yes? No?) Yes
Deck Type: Spellcasters
Best Card: Dark Paladin
Favorite Card: Silent Magician Lv. 8
Bio: Older brother of Khati, born in egypt and was raised by his aunt. Very protective of his younger sister. After a tragic incident in egypt that he nor Khati speaks of anymore. Raziel has had a huge major change in his personality. no longer a fooling around guy but a guy who stays close by his sister. So if you see Khati, Raziel is bound to be near.
Crush: None for now ^^;
Plays: Drums (other leader of the band)
for forum:
~An Old Evil Rises~
UserName: High Priestess Isis
Character Name: Khati Ishtar
Family Blood line: Ishtar
Age: 18

Sex: Female
Race: Human
Millinium Item: Millenium Necklace
When Ishizu takes over:

Bio: Reincarnation of Kisara. The millenium necklace came to her by her father. Always a loner because of how her white hair stood out. The fact she could see the future scared her classmates. She was always sad and locked up in her room. Until Ishizu was awakened when Khati came into contact with the necklace. The way you can tell the difference of the two are their hair colors and their maturity.
Crush: Shadi
Community Member