I know..it was freezing..gave me a stomach ache..didnt' even want to get out of bed..although, I suppose it wasn't THAT cold..
sassy_starry Community Member
Mon Apr 03, 2006 @ 10:47am
what a lovely day- NOT
isidar_mithram Community Member
Wed Apr 05, 2006 @ 09:27am
Well, obviously today was horrid. I was watching from the pool at school..it looked like a really really strong wind blowing fog around outside..Almost like a cyclone... And it's still freezing..
CynicalChick Community Member
Fri Apr 07, 2006 @ 10:10am
My fingers are cold, maybe all these pointless comments will warm them up? Yes it does, I recommend it. Usless comment on mine if you wish. And what's with the non-threatening cyclone names? Cylone LARRY!! GLENDA!!! Run, it's cyclone Larry. Make it more threatening. Like Cyclone Hitler.