Chaos, and guy of silence, He had been a vampire for so long, Even before he was turned into a vampire he had been the silent and to himself so long he just was always by himself. He didnt like the fact he had to feed every couple weeks but he did. Bringing others to him and killing them when they thought he was going to let him be in their life.
((you choose what you want to do with him f.y.i whatever starter you like.))

Nine ages ago, the first immortal was born. Satan himself said to a peasant man.” I will grant you whatever you want.” The peasant man didn’t know it was Satan. The man asked for a young beautiful woman who would be his wife. Satan granted it. A year later, Satan came back to the man and said. “Now I granted you what you wish, you must give something to in return.” The man nodded. “I want you to go in bed with your wife and you will have a child. You must not let anything harm her. She well grants you wealth all I want in return is for her to be alive. “But the Devil just tricked him.
A year later the man and the woman bard a child. They named the girl Eve. The woman died giving birth. The man expected a lot out of Eve; Wealth, Riches, and other stuff. But once she turned 10, he stopped expecting a lot of her. He realized that she would never give him wealth. The only thing that he saw out of her was death, and trouble. So he tried to keep her inside tell night.
So, she could feed on anything she could get her hands on. She was really strong she was fast and she had a temper of a wolf. The week her father died he told her what the devil did to him. She became in range with her father and the devil. she was about the age of 17 when her father died.
As the man died she saw the reaper. She looked at him. “Who are you?” she asked him.
The reaper looked around then asked “are you talking to me?” she nodded “well I am Jack, The Reaper.” He said “May I ask who are you?”
Eve looked at him “My name is Eve daughter of Renae.” He nodded in meeting her.
Then the devil appeared. “It seems you meet each other.” They nodded. The reaper bowed “My lord I was wondering how she can see me? When no mortal is not supposed to see me.”
The devil looked at him “Well my good friend. Because she is not a mortal. She is a creature I’ve made many years ago. And I made her because she well make more creatures. She will be the head of all of which was making of her own hands, and mouth. Long ago I asked you if you could care after her after her mortal father was died. And you agreed.” He said to The Reaper. Jack nodded and looked at her, finished his business and took her.
One age later she had turned lots of people into Vampires and Werewolves. She watched her creature, she was the ruler over them. She gave them freedom. If they fought she tried to stop them. Soon enough she gave up and let them fight. She disappeared in the shadows and watches the world in the dark. She walked the towns’ streets in regret. She hated what she has done but she just lived it. She hid in a castle in England.
((pm me if you would like to rp this one))

Elena was a vampire. She wasnt like the others. She contained venom in her. But her Venom was more then a normal should have. She had troubles just living as it was. The venom would weaken her. She was dying from the venom. She wished to keep living. But she couldnt, the venom just was eating her. She had been a vampire for 10 years. She was born by a human mother, and her father was a vampire. She was not raised from her mother nor her father. Her mother died giving birth to Elena, and her father ran out. Out of for he did not want to lose his love, and he didnt want to kill the child that he want to keep. He doesnt know if Elena was a girl or boy. He didnt even her name.
Elena was raised as a human and with humans. Tell before she turned 18. Everyday, something would burn. One day her arm would burn like it was on fire. Another day her Legs would burn. She didnt know why. One day she just couldnt move. She had ran away from home. And she lied in a cave in pain.
That was when she turned. Since then it was like every couple weeks she would turn out the venom was to much for her body could handle. This was the reason that it was rare to see vampire born children.
She wished for some help.

Morea was the princess of vampires she had been in line to take the heir to the vampire throne. The only thing stopping her is, that she has to marry someone. Only of her choosing. Men all over the vampire world had rushed to become the love of her eye. They wanted to rule the world of their kind.
Wolf world only saw it to be the greatest way to weaken the vampire kind. Destroying the king and queen of vampire's heart's and then killing everyone of them. Many wolf kind made it seem like they were for the vampire princess. And also some wolf kind saw it as making peace for the war.
((usually i dont force people to do certian people, i need some to do the black hair guy and the brown hair. The black hair is a vampire and brown is a wolf. You can have the guy be someone for evil or for good.))

Rea (the girl) is a third wolf. Being so that she shows her wolf features 24/7. She was captured into a vampire mansion. She was made into a slave. She had to do any of the vampire's told her to do, clean get anything for them even pleasure. She didnt like it. But she had to. She was chained up.
The man in the picture.. just ignore unless you want to be him. doesnt mater.
Rea was born out of the 5 siblings not twins her mother was half wolf and having the trait she could birth many 'cub'
Rea was only walking around the city minding her business until she was captured. That was her beginning life with vampires.
The night was late and she was tired out. She waited in her room for anything to do. Vampires where mostly out feeding onto helpless human's. Being part wolf she was hungry for meat. She sat on her bed whimpering. Hungry and wishing to leave.
Many years since vampires ruled over the ruled with there beauty and thirst. But most humans just didnt agree with what has happened. Emily was one of them. Her and other human's fought for there freedom to live. They were the hunter union of the world. Only about 10 of them lived now. They were huge tell vampires started to kill them off. Emily had lost her sister to the vampires. Her parents was turned. And her other family killed or turned by them. All was lost, until she was joined into the vampire hunter group. She was going to revenge her sister's death. Her parents were still 'alive' in vampire term. She learned to fight.
Everyone had there reason on joining the hunter group. All promised they would never fall into the hands of the vampires and kill them. If fallen in love with the vampire's they would let one of the hunters kill them.
Emily had her way of killing vampires. She would dress all up for the vampire and when she had the chance she would kill the b*****d of a vampire. She was smooth. Her sword would hide in her many layers of a dress and gloves where just what many thought was fashion.
"Emily, i need you to go to the Ritch mansion there is a ball for vampires and humans. Your our only female hunter and vampires are more pron to drool over you. They would want your blood more then other 9 here. Its going to be a lot of vampires. But i will send in the men, after you get the host killed first."
Emily nodded. She knew she was going to be skilled to kill the host. This was the biggest mission she was given. She hide daggers and swords in her dress. Her glove for killing had to be left with one of the men. She had to seem normal. It was a masked ball so she dressed in her ball gown (pic) and a face mask that would hide her face. She was happy for the ball. But at the same time it was going to be hard to find the host. Or even all the vampires.
The ball moved like a ocean wave on the beach. She walked around watching all the people.
Once a vampire came up to her.
"You know you seem like a natural vampire. How about being one?"
She turned to the vampire
"I rather not." She said softly.
You can be whoever i dont care but if you want this a a group rp then sweet. If you want this as a one on one ill make it so. smile so if you want this as a group then please list what your going to be. Like um a hunter of the 9 men. OR a vampire. OR the host. Or one of the humans. It would be interesting if someone was one of the family member. Or even her sister. Im not picky about the plot. If you have more of a idea on the plot then we can do it.

Reseal looked around. She had been waiting for her train to get home from work. She had been waiting for 15 minutes. It was late day and Reseal's train had only ran every half hour.
Reseal lived in a world with mixture of races. Were's (Werecats, werewolves, etc) and humans. This had been for many years and the humans who had hated the furrys they had died down. Or accepted what was just life.
While Reseal was waited she was listening to a song by her favorite DJ artist. She loved techno/trance. she was planning on once she got home she would get ready to go to a dance. Or a rave. She loved to play with glowing objects. She had mastered the swinging. She was the playful type. Mostly at everything around.
Reseal had something that catched the corner of her eye while she waited. She got on her hands and knees. Itching close to the object. Once she was close enough she jumped, grabbing what was moving around in the subway. She knew it wasnt anything gross, or normal. But she had nothing else to do when going on the train.she held tight on whatever was dangling and swinging around.

Princess Onnulok (On-new-lock) was getting a arrange marriage. she sat on her throne in the biggest room in the palace, which she took request from her people. Onnulok was the only royal in the palace. No siblings, and her parnets died.She is only about 17.. she needed to get the next ar to the other throne she couldnt take. you could be male or female) she waited for her soon to be lover. She knew if she didnt like them, she couldnt say no to the marriage. she need purr blood fox furry. Cause she was one. It was hard to find purr blood fox furry.
Onnulok was simple. She was kind, she cared for her people, and she tryed her best to keep those she cared happy. She usually talked when needed. But also kept quiet when needed.
A servant went up to her. "my lady your fiancee is here. They're right out the door."
she nodded. "bring them in."