Name: Razi: (which means secret). This name was given to him by Telka.
Age: about 10 years old
Gender: male
Race: 1/2 human and 1/2 unknown (but most figure some form of raccoon demon because of his ears and tail)
Physical Features
Hair: White and messy
Eyes: blue (and at times gold)
Figure: he’s a young kid and has that sort of look. He is basically average weight and size for his age if not just a bit shorter or thiner. He’s not particularly strong either. The easiest way to describe him is cute.
Other: he has freckles and at times you can see his tail from underneath his cloak.
...generally good a good kid, but he can also be innocently mischievous at times. He is very loyal and sometimes he simply follows without question which is also part of his naive and curious nature. He is also a very quick learner and very attentive/observant. He can be quickly embarrassed and does not warm up to many people and it takes him awhile to truly trust them. He is very street-smart, but not particularly intellectually so. Despite his age he is very emotionally strong and determined.
Weapons: He has his own ways of defending himself he picked up while living in the streets, but he is later given a magical sling-shot. He is also trained by Anatole (who is an expert is a great deal of weaponry) to use a bow and arrow and a few other weapons that a more easily found such as a staff. He is also taught by Telka to use daggers.
Magic: no powers as in spells, but as special abilities he has a few such as agility.
Other skills: being adorable and yet scaring people at the same time. People are scarred of his appearance (ears and tail) because they are very unusual (he is sometimes called a demon). He is also an expert pick-pocket (that is how he made his way before he joined the group of mercenaries).
Background/Relatives: Not much is known about him since he doesn’t talk much and the fact the people in the town he lived in tried/tries their best to ignore him or chase him away. It was/is very easy to pick on him because of the fact that he won’t do a thing about it although he is not above defending himself if need be. This gets him in more trouble than one can imagine. Razi was not born the way he is now, but no one knows how he became the way he is and he will not talk about it. He becomes very attached to Telka (a member of the mercenary group) who becomes like an adoptive mother/ old sister to him.
References/Art: (please feel free to take liberties with the clothing)

Special thanks to....
Xanimae Illushia
and everyone else who has drawn Razi for their artwork! heart