Name: Telka (which means devine fame)
Age: 21-24
Gender: Female
Race: Unknown, but supposedly human (she has actually dragon ancestry, but not even she knows that)
Hair: orange/red, wavy and slightly curled. Left down to a little past shoulder lengh, not thick and not thin.
Eyes: green
Figure: Slim and tall. She has an amazing figure, but it causes her problems. A human male’s fantasy. Slender waist, great bust, hips, and strong legs. At times she will have tattoo on her chest of an ancient symbol (part of the dragon heratige)
In the beginning she did whatever was to her benefit, but eventually warms up to those around her and become a generally caring person. She is a very outgoing person and even a bit flirtatious, but always in good taste. Contrary to what some believe she can be quite maternal and sweet, but you definitely do not want to be on her bad side because she can have quite a vengeful streak as well. Still, she is strong both physically and mentally. She can be quite intimidating and can be very persuasive.
Weapon(s): She has many weapons up her sleeve, but she prefers her daggers (or more specifically sais). Easy positioned in her fine fingers, she can do hundreds of tricks. She also can use other weapons such as a staff/spear (kudachi) and a set of dagger-like needles she keeps in her garder.
Magic: none that she knows of.
Background/Relatives: Her parents raised her lovingly and rich for all anyone knew. She went “bad” after leaving home although no one knows why. The rumor on the street is that she was raised to well and couldn’t cope with the real world after she left, a rebellous teen if you may, but that is not necessarily true. Still, it got her into lots of trouble.
Occupation: Not something that she reveals to many although it is possible she was a prositute for a short time. She now travels with a small group of mercenaries.
Relationships: While traveling with the group of mercenaries she ends up forming many bonds in the group especially with the youngest member Razi (who becomes like a little brother / adoptive son) and Anatole the exiled demon (who become romantically involved).

one of my oldest sketches of Telka

A special thanks to...
Glamour Chase
Xanimae Illushia
....and any other artists who I may have missed who have drawn Telka for me. heart