YAY!!! its the commonwealth games! yay!! two weeks holiday.. FREE TIME! im happy, now i can do stuff i want to do like drawing and reading and playing kingdom hearts.. wonder when the second one will come out in australia?>.< but i really should be doing my assignments, i mean what kind of holiday is it when you are given homework to do??? gonk
sassy_starry · Sat Mar 11, 2006 @ 01:57am · 2 Comments
Cause it's not technically a holiday holiday. Not a term break I mean. We're still in term one so we still get homework. You know that.
sassy_starry Community Member
Mon Mar 20, 2006 @ 01:46am
its still the holidays! look it as this way. considering that we only get 1 week holiday for the new term that could be considered as a normal holiday break. but we usually get two weeks holiday without any homework. so isnt it the least they could do was to not pile assignments on our head? i mean we do work hard during the time at school. well i usually do anyway xp