feels like my days are nearly over! im soo tired, being doing sports and things constantly for the past few days and its killing me. ill probably try and sleep 10 hours straight but if i do there is a big chance of me getting really sore muscles. during P.E today i nearly felt tears in my eyes because i was so tired, we did javelin. honestly i dont see why we are doing it, its not like im ever going to throw a javelin ever again. i feel like im getting ignored again. i say hi to someone and they just ignore me like i said nothing. i hate it when that happens. it makes me feel depressed. they usually start talking to me when i usually go quite which isnt really fair but oh well. oh and yesterday i accidently deleted all my songs on my mp3. looks like ill hav to download them on again. whee
sassy_starry · Fri Mar 03, 2006 @ 07:52am · 0 Comments |