So Kurai gave me my allowance today, but what really got me was a good friend of mine from Elderine had sent a small parting gift to me...
I walked into the kitchen yawning, my stomach begging for breakfast. Lady Kurai set a plate of plain eggs and bacon, but it was good enough for me. I began eating and silence filled the room.
Lady Kurai had lived, watching over me for as long as i could remember. I knew she was only silent when she thought of her past, which was as mysterious as my past...
I studied her face, hoping it would give some indication to why she hurt so much, but nothing did. Her eyes were not the gates to her soul anymore. They were locked up tight and would probably never be released.
She snapped from her seep thoughts only long enough to tell me that i needed to finish getting ready for school. I only nodded and finished my orange juice.
I put on some denim capris and my lavender music top I bought the other day. I felt really good about my style today brushed my hair out a new way and really felt good, maybe today was the day I'd pull myself out of my shell...
When I entered the school building, people were standing in their circles talking, whispering about something. I heard little bits about the new impressivly rich man had moved into town. He was actually starting a small shop down the street from my home.
Raina was also caught amonst the whispers and talk of the stranger. I sat next to her and turned to me, "did you hear?"
I nodded, "Only bits and pieces."
She Began speaking of him, "He came out of no where and he's a rich young man, probably the same age as my mom or your aunt Kurai. He came from some place up north and he only came this way to open his shop and get away from the life he had.
He is hiring now, so i think we should all go get jobs," her enthusiasm burst, "I'm going to turn in an application after school!" her grin went ear to ear, "You should go too! It'll be fun working there with someone i know."
I thought for a second and nodded, "Okay, we could use the money anyway."
Salviette was there for lunch this time, she hadn't been for the past few days i was because she was in hospital for skating injuries. I learned she was kind of a extreme sports junkie. She did all of the skate sports and bicikling.
The flaming red head showed up to school in knee pads and elbow ones to match.
Kanryun was a little more talkitive than he normally was, in fact we even shared a small conversation.
"So what do you do for fun?" he queried.
I was taken aback by his openess to talk to me and llightly blushed, "I love reading and writing, but most of all i draw and do art..."
He smiled, "You're really good..." I smiled and blushed and muttered my thanks.
Yaelyn showed up late and took her normal spot. Her mood seemed to be the angrier than angry.
Her brother asked her about it, but she just grumbled and sat there. Raina decided to antagonize the girl, "So, having a quickie in the janitor's room, but he wasn't quite what you expected?"
The amber eyes darted to the black and red haired girl, "What did you just say?" her voice was lowered and dark.
"What?" Raina's voice was sweet and innocent, "Your ears still ringing from all the moaning in them?"
The blondes eyes darkened as she stood up, "You better shut that trap our yours before i shut it permanantly..."
Raina stood up and took a bow, "Bring it on, I'm not afraid to fight you!"
Lyon stood up and looked at them both sadly, "Really?" His voice proved he was really in pain, "Why can't you guys just be friends?"
Raina looked down at her plate. I knew she hated making him upset, so she sat back down.
Lynn growled and stormed out. Her brother sighed and i saw that he was fighting inside himself for the answer on how to stop them.
Later that after noon, Raina and I were walking to the store. She had been quiet the entire day and I felt helpless, not being able to help her. Silently, we continued to the shop.
A man greeted us at the front. He stood about six feet and had long silvery hair. The icy blue orbs that stared down at us gave me the chills. There was something about him i didn't like, something that made me want to run.
"Welcome to Coral Manor, I guess you're here for the job openings?" he voice was a poisonous silk. I cringed.
"Yeah..."I muttered. He motioned for us to follow him to his office.
The tall man interviewed us for about an hour and then told us he'd call.
Raina kept squealing in joy and we decided to celebrate by shopping. We spent several hours going through store after stone, clothing rack after rack. I bought a new chain belt, with a small gem heart and a hair band to match, some new long white socks and some heels for the dance.
Raina bought a brooch and some other things. She asked my opinion on which shirt she looked best in before she bought one.
I walked home alone after that, with the icy blue eyes haunting me the entire way. Why did that man bother me so much, he seemed nice...I couldn't shake the strange feeling.
When i got home Lady Kurai was pacing the living room with a dagger in her hands. Worried, i ran up to her, "Lady Kurai?"
She turned to me and with sad eyes, the first time I'd seen her real emotion, and fell to her knees, "Where were you...?"
I felt my heart fall, "I went shopping with Raina and jobhunting...I'm sorry i worried you..."
She gripped the knife hard, until her knuckles were white, "Please...please don't just run off again...tell me where you're going from now on...i don't want anything to happen to you..."
I nodded and she then instructed me to go to my room until dinner...
I don't get why she's acting so weird. ...goodnight...♥ Pyrien
p.s. ...i feel like im fitting in now! blaugh
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