sooo...i got caught in the middle of a fight between Raina and Yaelyn.
Yaleyn walked into the halls and smiled at a group of her friends. she walked over to talk to them when i saw Raina walk in with her best friend Lyon. I barely know these guys but i do know that they really liked eachother. Only problem was, Lyon was very shy about girls and Raina kinda wanted him to be a man and step up and ask her.
on top of all this, Yaelyn, who was Lyon's twin sister, ABSOLUTELY hated Raina, for reasons completely unknown! The blonde girl looked aver at her brother and scowled, "So that thing was more important than breakfast with dad?"
Raina instanly crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes. The male looked at them both and bit his lip, "Yaelyn, I-"
'No, "She growled, "If you want to make the family more broken for a common whore, be my guest..." her voice was low and dark as she began to walk away.
"Common...whore?" Raina glared even darker, then suprising the rest of the hall she stepped forward and went to place a hi kick to Yaelyn's head. I closed my eyes, i couldn't watch. people gasped, but i didn't hear anything else, so i peeked. Lyon was holding Raina in his arms tightly, almost like a loving embrace. Raina's eyes were wide. Yaelyn had turned and had a disgusted face.
I smiled for Raina. She seemed so happy with Lyon holding her. She hugged him back and whispered a soft 'thank you' to him. Me and Raina walked to Math.
When we walked in, the first thing we noticed, was that there was one less desk than normal. Yaelyn faced her normal wall, and my desk was next to hers, but Raina's desk was no where to be seen.
"Please take your seats ladies," the teacher spoke before instructing the class about their text books.
I looked at Raina and smiled. We ended up having to share my desk. This made Yaelyn glare and steam the entire class period. Soon enough after tons of giggling and talking, me and Raina were pretty good friends. She had a rough llife, but her bestie Lyon made everything better. They grew up together, and her reasoning, the true reasoning of why Yaelyn hated her went back to a stupid fight as toddlers.
Apparently, Raina's mom brought her over to their new neighbor's house. A small Lyon was playing with his sister's bear.
Raina had fallen and started crying, and to calm her down the child handed her the bear. Ever since she received that gift her favorite animal was the bear and she was inseperable from him, but Yaelyn had a deep hatred because of that.
I also learned that Raina had a bad run in her Sophomore year wiith an upperclassman named Belindaile. He was horrible and mean, but Lyon split them up because he saw what she was becomming. The Girl told me that it was then she realized her true feelings for the older twin.
I was beginning to think there was hope for here after all...that is...until lunch rolled around. I sat at the same table with Kanryun Lyon and Yaelyn. I started to eat my sandwhich when Raina finally showed up and sat in between me and Lyon.
"So I just heard that the dance is going to have a live band," She started, before eating, "Nobody seems to know who it really is going to be or if they are famous or just a garage band."
I listened as she went on about the dance, but Yaelyn glared at both her brother and Raina.
"So, Kanryun have you picked a date yet?" Yaelyn piped in.
The shy boy shook his head, "no...maybe we can all just go together?" his soft but deep voice melted over me and i blushed. It really was a nice voice, no wonder Yaelyn was constantly fawning over him.
Raina smiled, "If I don't have a date by this weekend then yeah, that'll be a great idea!" Her voice was full of disappointment, and apparently Lyon noticed and looked down at his food.
I sighed and nodded, "Yeah, great idea..."
The rest of the day came and went quickly, but after school was where the day went from good to completely horrible. As soon as we stepped out of the doors, Raina and I, Yaelyn was there waiting. Her fist reared back and hit Raina square in the face. I gasped and helped the raven and red haired girl stablize from the impact.
"What the hell was that for?" Raina yelled, wiping the blood from her lip.
Yaelyn just smiled, "You have NO idea how long i've wanted to do that!" She held up her fists, "And i'd LOVE to do it again!"
Raina growled and leapt at the blonde. She nailed her in the jaw with her fist then followed the asault with a kick in her side.
Yaelyn grunted and ducked another fist. Raina kicked the girl in the face. the younger twin flew off the stairs and landed with a thud on the grass.
Raina smiled but the smile quickly faded when she saw Lyon's face. He looked horrified. "Yaelyn!"
he rushed to his sister's side who jumped up and ran at Raina again, "You b****!"
The green eyed girl swiftly blocked each punch but was then backed into a corner where she was pinned by her wrists to the wall. Her green eyees met Yaelyn's liquid amber ones. She saw all her pain and all her sorrow.
"You took my brother away from us..." she whispered, "My mom is gone, my dad is barely around and now my brother isn't there either...and for dad sits down to have a family meal...and you RUINED it!" Tears fell from the blonde's eyes.
"So why?" Yaelyn glared, "Why MY brother?" she pulled off Raina, "You're such a b****, go die in hell!" She hit Raina again only to hit back with more force.
"It's not my fault nobody likes you!" she smirked, "I still can't belive you're Lyon's twin! He's nice, sweet caring...and you are a psycho, unloving brat. He's totally hot, and're not! He knows who he wants to be around, and you hang around him and the rest of us like a crazy deranged lunatic, even though you don't like any of us? Oh wait, you're obsessed wi--"
"Raina..."Lyon's soft voice drifted to her ears, "Please...just stop this figghting..."
He really was too nice, and he loved them both enough to not take sides against either one. The boy really was too soft.
Raina came home with me because she was ashamed Lyon had seen her go off on his own flesh and blood, and she needed to relax.
Lady Kurai was sitting in the living room when we got home, polishing her dagger collection.
"Hello young one," She glanced up, "Who is this?"
I explained and she nodded, letting us go to my room. Exhaustedly i threw myself on to my bed. My friend just dropped her bag and sat down, "I don't know what to say to him..."
"Don'tworry about it," I muttered, "he obviously still cares for you, he wouldn't have stayed so calm if he didn't."
She nodded and we just talked the rest of the afternoon.
Well its late now...big day tomorrow with all the built up tension from today, night journal!! ♥♥ Pyrien
ps...suprise butt s*x face---> eek
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