Today it stormed. I mean it stormed. After school, Raina and i tried to go hang out with the guys...
Raina smiled and we sat in the small cafe waiting for Lyon and Kanryun to show up. I remembered Raina begged Lyon not to bring his sister, things had been extremely weird at lunch. The table seemed split, but Raina talked things out with Lyon during study hall.
The blonde was the first to round the corner. Raina's eyes lit up and she smiled when he came into her sight. Though, it dropped and the color drained from her face when she saw Yaelyn's slightly bruised face.
I put a hand on her shoulder and whispered that it would be okay. She nodded and smiled as gracefully as she could. Lyon smiled back but Yaelyn scowled and sat down.
Kanryun was the next to arrive, but he was followed by a short girl with the same colored hair as he. She was dressed in darkk colors and chains. Her shirt was a black tank top covered in fishnet shirt. her pants were tight black with rips tears and chains. Around her waist was a small red sash. Along her ears there were many peircings.
"Sorry guys, Mom told me to bring her," he muttered sitting at our table. The girl looked me over shrugged and sat by Raina.
"So, Raina, how have you been?"
Raina smiled and began a conversation with the younger girl. Yaelyn only rolled her eyes. The blonde walked over to me, her first nice gesture, "To keep you in this loop, Salviette is Ryun's little sister. She;s a very good friend of mine, but she looks up to that demon." Yaelyn steamed, "Ryun is very protective of her and as much as it may seem he dislikes her, he'd kill to keep her safe and happy."
Her face changed once she glanced at Lyon, 'Unlike some brothers...' it seemed to say.
I nodded, "Thank you, Yaelyn."
"Call me Lynn," she smiled. I felt happy to have made two friends now.
Raina continued to talk to the girl about school and the upcomming fun. I learned the girl was a freshman, and that riled Kanryun's protective side the most.
Lyon sighed after his short conversation with Kanryun ended and he motioned for me to follow him. I did so and he bit his lip, "You're close to Rai, right?"
"I gue--" the words had barely slipped my mouth when he spoke again.
"Good!" he breathed a sigh of relief, "I want you to tell me if she's thinking about going to the dance with someone!" he began to grow nervous, "I reeaally want to take her, but i don't think she interestted!"
I giggled softly, "You serious?" His eyes filled with confusion and he looked a little hurt.
"No, no, no!" i reassured him, "I meant it in a 'you are blind' way, she only has one guy on her mind...only one, and if you don't know who by're sh*t out of luck..." I smiled, "i won't say anything but that." I smiled once more and walked back to the table.
We had been there for an hour talking and having fun, when the rain started. It came down quick.
The small group soon disbanded leaving me to walk home alone. I thought about Raina and Lyon. How cute are they? Smiles came and graced my lips. I figured a long time ago it wasn't going to happen for me and i wasn't going to be jealous of a lucky girl.
Another 'almost' couple appeared in mind. Yaelyn seemed bright and cheery around Kanryun and it seemed as though she loved him. I wouldn't be suprised if they were secretly dating.
Then it happened. I felt a twist in my heart. It hurt, but didn't hurt...It's so hard to explain. I put it off my mind as I reached my small home, completely drenched.
Lady Kurai opened the door and started fussing about me getting sick. I only nodded and went to take a warm bath. As i sat there i thought about my homework, then the dance. My dress was hanging in the room and i smiled at it.
Beautiful lavender fabric was held together and split and pulled up one side with ruffles along that edge. Underneath was the white fabric bunched up. The body was simply just a tube-top with a string set that twisted up and around my neck. Lady Kurai decided she would buy me some jewelery to go with my dress, since this was my first semi-formal dance.
I sighed and pulled my body from the water and wrapped the fluff of a towell around me. I walked over to my window after quickly throwing on my pjs and watched the rain hit the now empty streets. They were like me in a way...empty and cold, nobody there to warm it up and make it cheery, and little bits of it were being washed away in this new flood.
Lady Kurai didn't talk much at dinner, in fact she barely ate before she got up to go do more research...she was always searching for something or someone. It was so weird to me, how she said she found me after my parents were killed. She never went into detail after that. It was always, "Go to sleep now, Pyrien," or, "Enough talk, curiosity killed the cat!"
I think i just need some good sleep, night journal, until next time ♥ Pyrien
ps is it bad when i thinka bout him...?
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