first of all i like to say happy chinese new year! i got 90 bucks in total! hhehe much more than last year>.<
yesterday (saturday) we went out for dinner at crown casino. we arrived really early, 2 something pm or else there wouldnt b any parking spots. so for the first few hours ive been sitting down waiting for my parents finish gambling. soo when they finished(around 6:54pm) we went to dinner. once we finished (9 something)we went back into to the casino, parents went back in i was sitting with my sisters until like 1:30 am in the morining mad i was getting really annoyed, because i kept ringin my dad and he got annoyed so he came out. then he left his phone with us so i couldnt bug him to come out mad mad we had to wait till my parents came out. and i felt a bit awkward cauz i was sitting underneath this telivision and it felt like veryone was staring at me xp
dont want to ever go back again! whee
sassy_starry · Sun Jan 29, 2006 @ 01:34am · 2 Comments |