Well, it's Christmas time again in Gambino, and I'm as down as ever.
I think I'll start from the beginning of the day - when I decided to go Caroling.
It seemed like a really good idea, right? Going door to door singing cheerful songs to people in the town, with the prospect of getting a nice box of goodies for singing so much and spreading the Holiday cheer. Or..um..something like that. Santa seems to have been doing this nearly every year, (( I'm not sure for how long, I've only been in Gambino for a year or two redface )) but..for some reason, this year he simply doesn't seem to want to give out any presents. gonk !! I mean, I know that Christmast isn't about presents, but if you say you're going to give out presents, then you should. confused
Really...none of this would ever be happening if Mr.Johnny K was still around. (( which, actually I don't doubt he is, but I'd rather not talk about that )) I mean..not as if I actually knew the guy, but from what I used to hear at work (( )) , he was a man to make sure things got done. Oh well.. Maybe he'll be in a better mood if I wait till later to go to him. o_o;; (( By the way, did anyone notice how HUGE and METALICY HE LOOKED?! Makes me wonder what EXACTLY they're doing over there at S CORP!! ))
And Santa not giving out gifts just seems to be having a huge effect on everyone I've seen. Half the people are yelling about how screwed up this Christmas is, and how it sucks..while the other half are yelling at them, and telling them Santa doesn't have to give out gifts if he doesn't want to. (( Or along those lines, anyway~ )) confused
I know that 172 is greatful to "be free" of our work at G CORP..but I really miss it. I just can't stop day-dreaming of what the Office(Lab?) Christmas Party would be like.. or.. or Mr.Gambino's (either one xd ) Public Christmas Party.. I know I wasn't exactly here last Christmas, but that doesn't mean that I can't imagine what it'd be like.
Oh well..I better get going. Gotta see if there's some resturant left open in this town so I can get myself some "Christmas Dinner". Hah..
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