Anyway. . . What was I saying? neutral
Oh, right. I remember now.. I was starting to explain the entire reason why I'm writing this post. You see, ever since Halloween night I've been sort of..."out-of-the-loop" with everything that's been happening..But thanks to my eavesdropping skills, I've managed to catch up on everything that's been going on..
I mean, what the hell!? S CORP? It's pretty obvious who they're trying to immitate here, don't you think? rolleyes That Santa guy is pretty crazy, too. Really, it's not any of HIS business if Jack likes pants !! Uuuuuggh...I really shouldn't be worrying about it too much, and spend most of my time looking for any of my fellow LabTechs..but his whole S CORP thing is really getting my goat. neutral
I mean, I had heard rumors of there being another big Corperation that could rival that of G CORP..but I just thought that was 172 being insane as always. He's always making things up like that -- but it looks like that time he was right..
And speaking of 172.. I haven't really seen him since The Fire. Well, I did get that post card from him a few days ago.. O_O;; It was really weird, hold on, lemme see if I can find it to quote what it says.
y0 Twenty-seven!
Just thought I would touch base with my best pal. How are you finding the independent life of a unemployed bachelor? I don't know about you, but lady luck is on my side most definately~ cool
Oh yes she is. I have been spending my days in Gambino living the high life. I swear, the lab disaster had to have been the best thing that has happened to me. All that time I was cooped up down there I never had anything to spend my paycheck on! Now I can live like a high roller >:] Of course I'm sure you're doing the same. At least in your own geeky way, probably invested in stocks in some titan company gonk And you likely knew right away to check our alternate address for a back-dated check, unlike me who went a whole week eating balonga sandwiches before I remembered! scoff! (Oh speaking of balonga sanwiches, I am running a little low on cash... These machines at the Casino are brutal but I'm still holding out for the motherload. When's our next pay check from G CORP coming in anyway? Well whatever, do you think I can borrow some dough until then, mate? >8])
Best Christmas Wishes from Isle de Gambino!!
Do we get our identity back anytime soon? Eitherway it's cool, the ladies and gents ( heart ) think I'm a secret agent when I tell them my name is '172' cool
Just thought I would touch base with my best pal. How are you finding the independent life of a unemployed bachelor? I don't know about you, but lady luck is on my side most definately~ cool
Oh yes she is. I have been spending my days in Gambino living the high life. I swear, the lab disaster had to have been the best thing that has happened to me. All that time I was cooped up down there I never had anything to spend my paycheck on! Now I can live like a high roller >:] Of course I'm sure you're doing the same. At least in your own geeky way, probably invested in stocks in some titan company gonk And you likely knew right away to check our alternate address for a back-dated check, unlike me who went a whole week eating balonga sandwiches before I remembered! scoff! (Oh speaking of balonga sanwiches, I am running a little low on cash... These machines at the Casino are brutal but I'm still holding out for the motherload. When's our next pay check from G CORP coming in anyway? Well whatever, do you think I can borrow some dough until then, mate? >8])
Best Christmas Wishes from Isle de Gambino!!
Do we get our identity back anytime soon? Eitherway it's cool, the ladies and gents ( heart ) think I'm a secret agent when I tell them my name is '172' cool
I'm not sure if I should respond - or go by the Casino to see if I can spot him.. He'd never let me live it down if he ever found out it took me so long to look at my P.O. Box. gonk Oh well...
Well.. other than playing around with some Barton people, just playing games (or trying to, atleast), nothing's been happening.
I really miss G CORP, expecially around this time of the year . . . I sure do hope that Mr. Gino and 123 are alright . . . sad
So much for a "Christmas Eve" for me..Maybe if I'm lucky, some sort of miracle will happen and Mr. Gino will come back and we'd have all of our old jobs back.. That is, assuming that they haven't started up already and just forgot about me. cry
Oh geez, now I'm making myself sad.
I better sign out now before I just keep dragging this on...